Sat with Nat

Plan to live forever, live like you’ll die tomorrow

My mom called Thursday night with sad news. My aunt Suzann had died. She had not been well after a serious stroke before Christmas. She was in her 60s. It seems so sudden and while I had not seen her in quite some time her adult children and grandchildren are in my thoughts. 

When I think about fitness I often think of the long-term benefits of reducing risk of heart disease. Some of my exercise is motivated by wanting to live as good of a long life as I can. I balance that with the immediate payoffs of feeling good so I do activities I enjoy. 

My fitness activities can’t come at so high a cost to my current goods that I feel I’m only living for the future and not having fun now. I also know if I don’t think about the future I won’t do as much today. 

The more I learn about cancer & heart disease the more I realize much is beyond my control. It’s not about being fatalistic but more recognizing that genetics, socioeconomic status and my environment have a very real part to play in my longevity. 

My partner and I have had a lot of extended family members in thier 60s die. It’s hard on our parents and other family members and there’s not much we can do. 

 It’s sobering to think about death but also I am sure to create a life where I’m fit enough now to do what I want today. 

I hope your Saturday is a mix of current goods and things that will make your future good too.  

my neighbour Tara took this beautiful photo of my home after a storm last week. Sprng storms mean warmer weather is coming.

7 thoughts on “Plan to live forever, live like you’ll die tomorrow

  1. Hello Natalieh,
    Sorry for the loss of your Aunt Suzann, 60’s is still very young. I found this story resonated with me, live life like you will die tomorrow. I think it is reasonable to say that when we are living out our younger years we all feel bullet proof, in fact until an event in our lives emphasizing just how short life can be occurs, dying is last thing on our minds. I had a life threatening illness just over 3 years ago, I am 58 yrs old now, and still living with the aftermath of the illness. I instantly started to think about dying every day, my body feels unwell on all levels. Genetics is key word, and although I hadn’t considered death very often, I knew my mother and sisters had illness, none of them had been into fitness. So I decided I would keep fit, eat well, and so when I became ill it was No! this can’t be happening. This is a very important message for people, sometimes our destiny is as you say, in the unknown and upon us before we know it. My issue now is to stop thinking about dying and get on with living life. Your story has given me a new perspective.
    Kindest Regards
    Annie in Australia 🌞 🌴 🌊

    1. Thank you for sharing your story Annie. I too think dying in our 60s is young. I have this general assumption we’ll all make it well into our 80s.

  2. Gracias por compartir sus experiencias son motivadoras, yo hay días que no se si quiero vivir más tiempo o pedir que el tiempo que tenga de vida mi calidad de vida sea digna de un ser humano. buen día

  3. So sorry for your family’s loss.

    My grandmother died a little over a year ago, and watching her health decline encouraged me to pursue a higher level of fitness. But I like your point of focusing on what feels good now as well – not just sacrificing for the future. Thanks for the thought-provoking post!

  4. Lovely rainbow shines above home on a dry spring… hopeful. That is what life is.

    I’m sorry for your loss, Nat. And for others who have died in their 60’s.

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