body image · fitness · link round up

Fit is a Feminist Issue, Link Round Up #64

This is where we share stuff we can’t share on Facebook page for fear of being kicked out! Read why here. Usually the posts are about body image, sometimes there’s nudity but we’re all adults here. Right?

A rant for women with periods

Recently, there’s been a big issue brewing with the MTA. It involves a controversial advertisement for underwear designed for women during that ‘certain time of the month.’

We all say that ‘certain time of the month’ because we’ve all been socially conditioned not to talk about periods. Why? Because periods are a thing that make us feel uncomfortable to talk about. Why is that? I don’t know. Maybe it’s because our social norms were created by wealthy, prejudiced, anglo-saxon, protestant men who just couldn’t feel comfortable with the relationship between bleeding and breeding.

Double chins need body loving too

The world of body positivity is a funny thing. While it can be incredibly empowering and revolutionary, I can’t help but feel that many of us are still trying to uphold conventional beauty standards outside of weight. It’s why we turn our faces upwards for photos to avoid a double chin show, or why certain types of fat bodies end up getting more representation in the media than others. But that is not the body posi space I want. I want unapologetic visibility for those who need it most — not just those who fit a certain standard, are below a certain size, or have a specific skin color, religion, age, or gender.

When it comes to fat positivity and body positivity overall, I don’t tend to see a lot of double chin love.

What happens when you tell people they are beautiful

How would you react if someone told you that you’re beautiful? 18-year-old Shea Glover, a highschool student from Chicago, conducted a social experiment to find out. She posed people in front of her camera and then told them “I’m taking pictures of things I find beautiful.”

The responses are touching. “I conducted an independent project which evidently turned into a social experiment regarding beauty,” Glover writes on YouTube. “I want to clarify that my intentions were not to get a reaction out of people. I was simply filming beauty and this is the result.”

How to do kegels without getting a manly vagina (humour)

Unless you’re living under an unfuckable rock, you’ve obviously heard of your Kegels. You might even already be doing them a few times a week in the hopes of toning your pelvic floor, keeping your bladder in check, or turning your otter pocket into a delicate vise that firmly grips anything that dares to lovingly enter it. If you aren’t yet doing Kegels, it might be because you have the same fear that many women do before starting an exercise regimen: Will it make me look mannish? While some doctors might dismiss your deeply held concern as “ridiculous” or even “what are you talking about”, experts confirm that improperly-done Kegels can make your muscles become bulky, beefcake-y, and super manly. No thanks! Here are the best ways to use kegels to keep your snatch sexy, slim, and ultra-feminine.

Things to do naked before you die


How to have a body positive boudoir shoot

Boudoir photography is growing in popularity rapidly, and it’s not hard to see why: it can boost confidence like crazy and be a very empowering and liberating experience. A lot of people think that they can’t do boudoir photography; that they’re too big, too old, too awkward, not pretty enough, etc. That’s just not the case.

Absolutely anyone on the planet can do a boudoir shoot; it’s all about getting the right lighting, angles and photographer. No matter what stage you are on your body-positive journey, doing a boudoir shoot can help boost your confidence!

Things you should never say about other peoples’ bodies

Sometimes it seems like everyone has something to say about the bodies of other people or the way others present themselves in public. Some folks like to chalk it up to “The Internet Age,” but inappropriately commenting other people’s bodies is nothing new. Thanks to the World Wide Web, it’s just much easier to do so without facing much repercussions.

When I asked those in my friend and family networks about this, almost everyone seemed to have a fresh memory of a time something was said about their own bodies, and how it made them feel. Whether it happened two or 20 years ago, the impact still stung at times. It’s a phenomenon that spans gender, body size, race, and sexuality (although people who are marginalized are likely to experience it far more).

So many people feel like it’s OK to have an opinion on the body of another person, and often feel like they’re entitled to share that opinion with anyone (let alone the person who has to keep living life in that body). Giving humans unwanted, unsolicited comments on their bods, however, is cruel, selfish, and can have lasting and detrimental effects.


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