Fit is a Feminist Issue, Link Round Up #39

This is where we share stuff we can’t share on Facebook page for fear of being kicked out! Read why here. Usually the posts are about body image, sometimes there’s nudity but we’re all adults here. Right? Why does a fitness blog even care about body image? You can read about that here.

The I’m Tired Project

A project aiming to highlight the significance and lasting impact of everyday micro-aggressions and stereotypes.

My skin color and my race represent who I am and where I come from, but shouldn’t dictate how people treat me. I shouldn’t be more accepted or more approachable or less ‘intimidating’ because of the lightness of my skin. I’m tired of seeing friends and family be less integrated or less understood because the darkness of their skin threatens some. I’m tired of race being used as an indicator of who we really are when ultimately all that matters is how we accept and treat others.’ Photo credit: Ming Au

11 Women Proudly Embracing their Cellulite

For many of us, cellulite is something we’ve been taught to dread and fear. But in this new age of body positivity and self-love, is the notion of women posting photos of cellulite actually so crazy? Is it really all that crazier than possibly starving ourselves, cultivating gym-going addictions, or dishing out hundreds of dollars on creams and potions in the sheer hope of avoiding it?

Stunning Nude Photos Prove Love Comes In All Shapes And Sizes

Photographer Substantia Jones has a pretty simple message: “Fat people deserve love and sex and a good, deep hit of the happy, just like everyone else.”

Jones, a self-described “prudent hedonist,” “uppity fatty” and “flaming gastrosexual” is the lady behind The Adipositivity Project, a platform that encourages the acceptance of various human sizes — adipose means “of or relating to fat.”

On her website, Jones publishes images of various individuals, fat and thin, with the hopes of encouraging discussion and understanding. In one particular series, titled “Valentine Series,” Jones focuses her lens specifically on romantic couples of all races, genders and body types. Above all, Jones wants to communicate to the world that, contrary to what mainstream media often portrays, do not worry, fat people are getting some.

“Fat people are loved and not,” Jones explains in her statement. “Enjoying sexytimes and not. Happy and not. In pretty much the same measure as the general public. The ‘Valentine Series’ informs the doubting world of this. Using visual aids.”

The Divine Mothering Project

Divine-Mothering is a feminist organization that wishes to be an ally for women and girls to help promote respect, health, self esteem, as well as joy, beauty, and art. The goals of Divine-Mothering are as follow: To give women respect. Give women dignity. Give women a voice.

Divine-Mothering wants to humanize women’s bodies, normalize all shapes and forms, and celebrate the changes women’s bodies go through over time, through pregnancy and breastfeeding. Divine-Mothering wishes to serve all women, by providing truthful representations of women’s bodies as well as women’s experiences and perspectives. As a platform for sharing, Divine-Mothering, wishes to further the reach of women’s voices and accomplishments. Divine-Mothering is also committed to host events that empower and connect women.

I want women to come here to meet other women, to be able to see what motherhood actually looks like. I want to create a tribe, a support system, a validation system, a positive force to combat the negativity that we are being surrounded by. –Liliana Taboas, Founder of

Not All Women are Mothers*

9 Fat Shaming Comments To Stop Tolerating Now, Whether They’re Directed At You Or Other Humans

I’m pretty convinced that a vast majority of people who fat shame don’t realize they’re doing it (although if you’re sending someone a DM on Instagram that reads, “I hope you and your lard reserve of a stomach burn in the fiery depths of hell and never get to eat another cheeseburger again,” you most definitely know what you’re doing). That’s why it’s important to stop tolerating such comments. People can’t be confronted with the stigmas or internalized fat hatred they’re holding onto unless someone makes them aware that they’re doing it.

So here are nine fat shaming comments to point out the next time you hear them (accompanied by photos of inspirational body posi and fat posi babes). Doing so will hopefully spark a discussion — and more critical, honest discussions surrounding the acceptance of people are never a bad thing.

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