Fit is a Feminist Issue, Link Round Up #37

This is where we share stuff we can’t share on Facebook page for fear of being kicked out! Read why here. Usually the posts are about body image, sometimes there’s nudity but we’re all adults here. Right? Why does a fitness blog even care about body image? You can read about that here.

Artist Jamie McCartney: How The Great Wall of Vagina is a stand against ‘body fascism’

British artist Jamie McCartney makes it his business to put women’s minds at rest about the shape and size of their vaginas.From twins to post-natal mothers and those who have undergone labiaplasty, more than 400 women have volunteered to have their bits cast in plaster of Paris for his 2008 artwork “The Great Wall of Vagina”. But while the thought of a male artist casting women’s intimate body parts may not sound appealing, McCartney says he has been inundated with requests from volunteers. “Scarcely a week goes by when someone doesn’t ask to get involved,” he says. “They’re all volunteers. It was really important that nobody got paid to model for me. That might be really unfair but a man who pays 400 women to get their vagina out is not nearly as interesting as 400 women endorsing the project and believing in it enough to do it.”

Sexual Fluidity: Queer, Straight, And Anything Else You’re Feeling

For people whose sexuality is fluid, the situation isn’t that we were confused for a while and then suddenly woke up. It’s that (say it with me now) we once understood ourselves one way, and now we understand ourselves differently. Right now, today, as of writing this, I identify as queer. But I didn’t always.
And no, I’m not referring to that awkward, uncomfortable time in my life where I knew that something felt “off,” but I couldn’t quite place it, and so I paraded around in the charade of “straight.” I mean that a few years ago, I identified as homoflexible. And before that, a lesbian. And even before that, bisexual. Wait — what?\Yeah. My sexual attractions, behaviors, and identities have changed over the years, and it’s not because I’ve been confused and struggling to understand the “Real Me.”
It’s because I’m sexually fluid. Let me explain.

  7 Photos Of Plus Size Women In Low Rise Bikinis Because A Fatkini Doesn’t Have To Have A High Waist

If there is anything that has inspired me in at least a million ways, it’s thefatkini movement. However, seeing a low-rise bikini on a plus-size woman is still a rare sight. We exist in an era of fat positivity that celebrates bodies in all shapes and sizes, but there seems to be this last hurdle of actually revealing our tummies to our body-shaming society. The beauty and confidence of the women who do, refusing to conform to the beauty standards that are actively against fat women in beach attire (or in beach attire that isn’t ugly AF) always gives me all the feels. With numerous gorgeous brands supporting the cause, an active Instagram hashtag, and many fatshion bloggers joining in the movement, the amount of fabulous fat bikiniwearers we can find online is steadily growing.

The 23rd annual World Breastfeeding Week kicks off

The start of August is not just the start of a new month, but also an opportunity to raise awareness around the importance of breastfeeding and the need for breastfeeding-friendly policies in the workplace. The World Alliance for Breastfeeding Action started World Breastfeeding Week in 1992 in an effort to promote breastfeeding all around the world. Over the weekend, scores of mothers around the globe breastfed in public together for one minute. The event is known as the Big Latch On and is the official kickoff for World Breastfeeding Week. This year, 176 countries are participating. According to the U.N.’s International Labor Organization, more than 800 million female workers — 41 percent of the global workforce — do not have access to maternity protection.


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