Breasts without Photoshop violate community standards

Or, my weekend banned from Facebook.

Not sure if you noticed me missing last weekend. If you follow the Fit is a Feminist Issue page on Facebook, you might have wondered where we went.

We were banned from Facebook, sent to the virtual time out chair in the corner, for 24 hours. I was also forced to scroll through pages of rules about content and about community standards and then tick boxes promising my photos didn’t contain nudity. Mostly tedious. But I confess I’m a bit riled about what got me banned.

To be clear, it was me who did the Bad Thing, for which we were both punished since we both act as page administrators.

Here’s the story that got me in trouble this time,

Bare Reality: 100 women and their breasts

A hundred women have bared their breasts and their souls as part of a project to further understanding of how women really feel about their breasts, and how they really look.

Last time it was the story about the woman who took her photo everyday for forty years, wearing just a pair of plain white undies. Again, not particularly sexy photos but that’s part of the problem.

Friends say it’s pictures of breasts in particular that get you in trouble. Not model breasts but rather ordinary, aging, breasts without photoshop.

At first I was distressed that people who like our page would complain that we were offending them. You don’t have to like us after all. It turns out though the complaints likely weren’t from our followers. The posts are public and so once liked they show up in other newsfeeds.

So no more links shared on Facebook via our page that contain photos of breasts. We’ll share those links via a weekly link round up. I’m irked but I’ll live with it.

The double standards get me down. There’s lots of normative female nudity all over Facebook. Likewise photos of naked men. They’re all over my newsfeed. Here’s my recent favourite.


Our first weekly link round up will be this weekend.


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