Proud cycling momma

My daughter Mallory is almost done the Otesha Project’s East Coast Tour. And I’m very proud of her. We’ve been riding together since not long after she was born. (Thanks Burley bike trailer.) We’ve done lots of mother-daughter bike tourism together, the rail trails of Quebec and of New Zealand’s south island (see Cycling holidays, Part 1: Rail trails) but I love that this summer she’s off riding her bike with a group of like minded young people and has discovered her own love of cycling.

This summer she also moved to clipless pedals and I might even have talked her into a touring road bike for future mother-daughter cycling adventures!

What’s the Otesha Project?

“The Otesha Project is a national youth-led charitable organization that uses experiential learning, theatre and bicycle tours to engage and empower Canadians of all ages to take action for a more equitable and sustainable world.”

Riding the Tides of Change
Fredericton to Halifax
May 3 – June 24 2014
Performing and Cycling Tour

Here’s their description of the East Coast Tour: “Let the cliffs, culture, and concentration of sea life in Canada’s majestic Maritimes fuel your passion for sustainability and social justice . A 9 day training in bicycle skills, interactive theatre, community engagement, and facilitation techniques prepares your team to spark dialogue with thousands of students using Otesha’s play “Cycling Through Change” and “Action Addict” workshop. Wind your way around the Bay of Fundy and through the Annapolis Valley, learning from the Mi’kmaq, anglophone, and Acadian communities that welcome you.”

Read their blog.

Look at their photos.

And if you’re in, or near, Halifax you can meet them on Thursday, June 19th!

“The Otesha Project is rolling into Halifax after our 2 month East Coast Cycling and Performing Tour talking with schools and communities about environmental and social justice! Come join us in Victoria Park at 5 pm for a public performance of our play (rapping and singing included) and a critical mass ride around the city at 6pm!!” See details here.

Here’s some of child Mallory in her early days as a cyclist!

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