
Wall Balls FTW but not for T Rex

T Rex hates wall balls

It’s the season of online quizzes. I’m a professor at the end of the university undergraduate year so my choice is to grade some more papers or take an online quiz. No contest.

Here’s What CrossFit Exercise Are You?

I’m a Wall Ball. Thankfully not a burpee!

For more on wall balls, read my report on Karen, the deceptively simple CrossFit workout which is 150 wall balls.

T-Rex may hate wall balls but they’re probably my favourite CrossFit exercise.

There were three tricks I had to master to make my peace with wall balls. First, I learned to take my glasses off. Wall ball to the face while wearing glasses isn’t fun and my optometrist wondered what I’d done to my frames. Second, it’s all about timing. Catch the ball on your way down into the squat. Third, to meet the “no rep” line on the wall–minimum acceptable wall ball height–jump on the way back up.

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