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Olympic lifting and sexual innuendo

cleanjerk tshirt I confess that if I want to blog about Olympic lifting, I’m often at a loss for descriptors that don’t make me blush and giggle. I’m in my late forties but really, sometimes I feel fourteen. I’ve posted about “performing the snatch” on Facebook because talking about “my snatch” seems too impossibly open to misinterpretation.

You have to kind of mention the sexual innuendo and then move on. Here’s T-Nation, for example:

What is the “perfect” snatch? Go ahead, pause a moment and think naughty thoughts.

All finished? Good.

Sexual innuendo aside, the “perfect” snatch is the single-arm snatch. The single-arm snatch is quite possibly one of the best and most time-efficient total body exercises around.

Few people talk about it but the names of the Olympic lifts make almost everyone giggle or snicker.

Okay, the O-lifts are weird. They have funny names that immediately bring out the dirty little kid in people. If you have ever seen them performed, they are often accompanied by loud shouts or grunts of effort, and nearly always terminated with a thunderous dropping of the bar onto the platform. The last thing most people want is to share gym space with a bunch of shouting weight droppers. – See more on Stumptuous, Beginner’s Guide to the Olympic Lifts
Olympic lifting is different from powerlifting and both are different again from body building. See Deadlifting, bench, and squat: The powerlifting combo

I do sometimes wonder if the names keep women away from Olympic lifting. My guess is that the names aren’t going change. I’ll just have to grow up, get over it, and move.

See Olympic lifting and sexual innuendo, Part 2.


2 thoughts on “Olympic lifting and sexual innuendo

  1. You know the game that when you read fortune cookies you add “in bed” to the end? Sometimes I’ve heard people play something similar in weightlifting. Just say “as weightlifting as in life” or something at the end. “My snatch is getting so much bigger! In weightlifting as in life”. It’s like a fun/funny way to address the dirty entendre and keep moving on. It’s always going to be riotously hilarious when people discuss if they are better at cleaning or jerking… but we still need to be productive!

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